From all of us at Dental Expressions, we want to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving.
During this special time of the year, we have the chance to sit down with friends and family we don’t often get to see. Because of that, the last thing you want to be focused on is what you should and shouldn’t eat.
You know that sugary foods like candies, pies, cookies, and just about any other holiday treat can contribute poor oral health, but we don’t want you to think about any of that this Thanksgiving. There’s nothing wrong with a little indulging, when done just a few times a year.
So instead of thinking of your smile, enjoy a second or third slice of pie with someone close to you. Moments like these are some of the richest life can offer. They lead to memories you can draw from and cherish for years to come. What is that compared to one day away from your typically healthy lifestyle?
If you’d like to follow up your Thanksgiving with a checkup or cleaning, or maybe another service, Dr. Holman, Dr. Natalie Frazier, and our team at Dental Expressions are ready to help. Call our office for an appointment. We serve patients from all around the OKC area.