Which Celebrities Have Benefitted from Dental Implants?

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 10:47 pm
celebrity smiling for camera

Have you ever noticed how spectacular the smiles of most Hollywood celebrities are? Is it a matter of being genetically blessed? The odds are highly against that being the case. Actually, they’re just like us and naturally have flaws and imperfections in their teeth as well. The secret behind their perfect ready-for-the-camera smile is something you may have expected – cosmetic dentistry. Thanks to services like dental implants, movie stars can replace their missing teeth and look picture-perfect on the big screen. Keep reading if you want to know which celebrities have benefitted from dental implants.


Talk Like a Pirate; Don’t Treat Your Teeth Like One!

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 9:00 pm
Cartoon image of a tooth dressed like a pirate.

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and in honor of this unique day, we want to take a closer look at why pirates historically have such bad teeth! Here’s a little insight into why your favorite swashbucklers were notorious for having such disastrous smiles, along with some tips from your dentist for keeping your own pearly whites healthy and bright.


Tips, Tricks, and What to Expect When Talking with Dentures

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 7:34 pm
person talking with dentures to dentist

After missing many or all of your pearly whites for a while, you finally decided to replace them with dentures. Though it’s best to do what you can to keep your natural teeth healthy and where they belong, dentures are a great way to replace missing pearly whites and regain your confidence in your smile. Even so, it can take some people a while to get used to them. To help ease the transition, read on to learn some tips, tricks, and what you can expect when adjusting to talking with dentures.


Why and How to Praise Your Kids for Brushing Their Teeth

May 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 2:10 am
parent helping child brush their teeth

When it comes to practicing good oral hygiene, many children find it difficult to establish a good routine. From the technique they use to the amount of time they spend on it, getting used to brushing their teeth can take a little while. Believe it or not, showing them how proud you are when they remember to clean their pearly whites can do a lot of good. Read on to learn more about why praising your child for brushing their teeth is so impactful as well as how to do it.


The 5 Most Common Myths About Dental Implants

April 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 7:06 pm
Question mark near giant model tooth

If you’re bothered by gaps in your smile from tooth loss, then the chances are that you’ve heard of dental implants. You may already know that they substitute a titanium rod for the root, attach it to the jawbone, and customize it to resemble the surrounding teeth. Beyond that definition, though, you might have misconceptions about dental implants that keep you from pursuing them as a treatment.

To help you sort through fact and fiction on the matter, here’s a guide to common dental implant myths and why they’re simply not true.


5 Qualities of a Good Dental Implant Candidate

February 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 5:45 pm
dentist speaking with dental implant candidate

From bridges to dentures, there are a variety of ways that you can replace missing teeth. Though these are better than having gaps in your smile, dental implants are the option that’s favored by many dentists and patients alike. This is because they’re the only permanent solution to missing teeth and help prevent further issues from developing. If you’re thinking about replacing missing teeth with these restorations and want to know if you meet the criteria for the procedure, read on to learn about five qualities that a good dental implant candidate should have.


Is Popcorn Bad for Your Oral Health?

December 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 7:59 pm

Box of movie popcornPopcorn is the perfect snack for binge-watching your favorite Netflix series or catching the latest movie release with a friend. While it is healthy for your waistline and heart, many dental experts recommend choosing something else to munch on because popcorn can wreak havoc on your smile. Here are 3 reasons you should skip the salty snack.


The Relationship Between Musical Instruments and Oral Health

November 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 2:44 pm
person playing a musical instrument in Oklahoma City

You’ve been playing an instrument for a while now, and it’s one of your favorite hobbies. Playing a musical instrument is a fun hobby and an excellent way to express yourself. Even so, did you know that playing certain musical instruments can have an impact on your oral health? Read on to learn more about the relationship between playing musical instruments in Oklahoma City and your oral health.


What Are Some Tips for Cavity Prevention During Halloween?

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 7:45 pm
group of kids getting Halloween candy

Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year in the eyes of many children. They get to dress up and be the character they daydream about being often, plus they have the opportunity to collect more candy than mom would ever let them get at the store.

Meanwhile, you know all that sugar from the candy can do more than just make them hyperactive on Halloween night. You want to protect their teeth. Keep reading for helpful tips from a family dentist on cavity prevention during Halloween.


Does Dental Bonding Make Sense for Your Smile Goals?

September 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — okde @ 12:55 am
Dentist working with ultraviolet lamp

Your smile has needed an upgrade for a while now and you just haven’t been sure how you are going to do it. There are crowns and veneers to consider, but dental bonding could be the way to go.

Dental bonding, aka cosmetic bonding, is thought by most dentists to be best-suited for small cosmetic changes, short-term correction of cosmetic problems, or addressing misshaped teeth in areas of very low bite pressure, such as your front teeth.

You decide to do your research on dental bonding before investigating other options. What are the benefits? Read on to find out if it’s right for you.

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