Dental Expressions Blog

Could You Be Suffering From Sleep Apnea?

February 18, 2013

488099845We can all agree that snoring is an annoying habit to have – especially where tired spouses are concerned. The habit can keep your family awake at night, disrupt your own sleep, and leave you with a sore throat in the morning. But did you know that snoring can actually be an indicator of a much more serious condition? If you’re a chronic snorer, you might be suffering from sleep apnea, a potentially dangerous disorder that causes a person to stop breathing constantly through the night, usually for instances of ten seconds or longer. People who suffer from untreated sleep apnea not only suffer from chronic exhaustion and lessened enjoyment of life, but could also suffer possible complications later in life. Here at Dental Expressions in Oklahoma City, our team is happy to provide you with a variety of effective solutions to treat your sleep apnea. With the help of Dr. Holman and Dr. Frazier, you and your family will be back to peaceful slumber in no time.

But first, how do you know for sure if you have sleep apnea? Here are some common symptoms:

  • Chronic exhaustion/ drowsiness during the day, no matter how sleep you got the night before
  • Waking up with a dry mouth or throat after sleep
  • Constant choking, gasping, or snorting during sleep
  • Loud snoring
  • Constantly waking up during the night
  • Morning headaches

Some of those sound familiar! What are my options for treatment?

After Dr. Holman or Dr. Frazier have concurred that you are in fact suffering from sleep apnea, there are a few solutions you both can pursue, depending on the severity of the disorder. First, they can offer you the use of an oral appliance (commonly referred to as a snoreguard). Wearing a snoreguard alleviates snoring and keeps your airway open. If your symptoms don’t respond to that treatment, Dr. Holman or Dr. Frazier may recommend that you see a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders, or that you look into the use of a CPAP machine, which consists of a box, facemask, and tube that carries air to your body while you sleep.

Our team is committed to providing you with comfortable and personalized service, here at Dental Expressions. Let us give you a reason to smile! Call our office today to schedule a consultation for your sleep apnea treatment.  We proudly serve patients from the OKC area, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and surrounding communities.

Be Fear-Free in the Dentist’s Chair with Oral Conscious Sedation

January 8, 2013

stk85221corIf the mere thought of going to the dentist fills you with hesitation or anxiety, you’re definitely not alone – nearly 75% of the population reports some level of fear when faced with the idea. These feelings can even make you delay dental care indefinitely, which can lead to more serious oral health issues.

Here at Dental Expressions in Oklahoma City, we want to make sure you get the dental treatment you need as quickly and effectively as possible. At the same time, your safety and comfort are a top priority for us, which is why Dr. Holman and Dr. Frazier are happy to be able to offer you oral conscious sedation as an option during your procedure. With oral conscious sedation, you’ll be able to feel relaxed and happy while our team does all the heavy lifting, providing you with beautiful, healthy teeth you’ll be thrilled to share with the world.

Is sedation right for you? Take a look at these characteristics:

  • Do you respond poorly to anesthesia?
  • Do you experience a lot of stress, anxiety, or discomfort when faced with that familiar big chair?
  • Do you have a sensitive gag reflex?
  • Do you need to undergo several lengthy procedures?

If one or more of these seem familiar, then oral conscious sedation may be the right choice for you. Oral conscious sedation is a small sedative that comes to you in pill form. You simply take it the night before your procedure and bring another with you. The next day, you will feel groggy, so you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment. Under oral conscious sedation, you’ll still be able to respond to commands from Dr. Holman or Dr. Frazier, but you’ll feel much more relaxed, so much so that many patients don’t even remember much of their procedure once it’s finished.

While oral conscious sedation can be provided by dentists who’ve had no training in the area, both Dr. Holman and Dr. Frazier have taken the time to attend a specialized training program for the treatment. That way, you know that you’re receiving the most educated and safe service possible when you come to Dental Expressions. Let us put a smile on your face! Call our office today to schedule a consultation.  We proudly serve patients from the OKC area, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and surrounding communities.

Happy Thanksgiving from Dental Expressions

November 22, 2012

Filed under: General Dentistry — okde @ 7:26 am

112808754From all of us at Dental Expressions, we want to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving.

During this special time of the year, we have the chance to sit down with friends and family we don’t often get to see. Because of that, the last thing you want to be focused on is what you should and shouldn’t eat.

You know that sugary foods like candies, pies, cookies, and just about any other holiday treat can contribute poor oral health, but we don’t want you to think about any of that this Thanksgiving. There’s nothing wrong with a little indulging, when done just a few times a year.

So instead of thinking of your smile, enjoy a second or third slice of pie with someone close to you. Moments like these are some of the richest life can offer. They lead to memories you can draw from and cherish for years to come. What is that compared to one day away from your typically healthy lifestyle?

If you’d like to follow up your Thanksgiving with a checkup or cleaning, or maybe another service, Dr. Holman, Dr. Natalie Frazier, and our team at Dental Expressions are ready to help. Call our office for an appointment. We serve patients from all around the OKC area.

Have You Scheduled Your Fall Checkup Yet?

September 14, 2012

186428328In just about a week and a half, we’ll have reached the first day of fall. What that means for all of us in Oklahoma City and around the country is cooler weather, shorter days, and beautiful fall colors. It also signals that 2012 is mostly behind us now; the holidays will be here before you know it. That makes now a great time to schedule your fall checkup.

Enjoy a Healthy Smile This Holiday Season

We all want to enjoy the holiday season. And a key part of enjoying the holidays is having the freedom to comfortably enjoy the great foods that come with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas season. That’s a more difficult thing to do, though, when you don’t know how your smile’s doing.

But that’s exactly what you can find out during a fall checkup with Dr. Frazier or Dr. Holman at Dental Expressions in Oklahoma City. During your visit, our team will thoroughly assess your oral health, perform a professional cleaning, and recommend any services that we think might be helpful for you.

Some of those services may be preventive or restorative—you may need a filling, for instance—but others might be cosmetic. Wouldn’t you love to share a whiter, straighter, more shapely smile with your friends and family this year? We have services that can help.

Are you ready to schedule your fall checkup with Dental Expressions and Dr. Frazier or Dr. Holman? Call our Oklahoma City dental office today to schedule your appointment. Our OKC team is always ready to help.


Rejuvenate Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers from Dental Expressions

August 1, 2012

158576406Every smile is different. And yet, as different as every smile is, patients have very similar reasons for wanting a popular cosmetic dentistry service like porcelain veneers. Today on our blog, we’d like to identify each and talk a little about them.

A Straighter Smile without Braces

The first reason patients often turn to porcelain veneers for cosmetic help is that they have crooked or oddly spaced teeth they want to straighten, but they don’t want braces. Porcelain veneers can help you with that by hiding imperfections, creating a smile that looks straight, beautiful, and natural. But because porcelain veneers don’t actually straighten teeth, we recommend seeing Dr. Colin Holman or Dr. Natalie Frazier at Dental Expressions before you decide. During your first visit with us, we can complete a thorough oral exam that will help us advise you as to the solution that will benefit you the most.

Whiter, More Radiant Teeth

The second reason patients from Oklahoma City and beyond have for turning to porcelain veneers is they want a whiter smile. Often, professional teeth whitening is enough to cut through difficult stains caused by foods, beverages, and tobacco, but some types of stains—like those caused by prescription medications—can be difficult for any whitening system, even the best, to get rid of. Porcelain veneers make it possible to beat any kind of stain, producing a radiantly beautiful smile that you won’t have to touch up at a later date.

Do you have another reason for considering porcelain veneers? We’d love to hear about it. Call Dental Expressions today to schedule your consultation appointment with us. Dr. Colin Holman and Dr. Natalie Frazier gladly serve patients from OKC, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and surrounding communities.

Enjoy a More Confident Smile with Porcelain Veneers from Dental Expressions

June 25, 2012

101475871In our last post, we talked about teeth whitening, one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry services featured at our Oklahoma City dental office. Today, we’d like to introduce you to another great cosmetic dentistry service. With it, we can do more than just help you combat embarrassing tooth stains. We can also hide cracks, chips, spacing issues, and even slight misalignment. We’re talking, of course, about porcelain veneers.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

If you’ve never heard of them before, porcelain veneers are an extremely effective cosmetic dentistry service. Made from thin discs of durable porcelain, your veneers will be affixed to the front of your front teeth, hiding the flaws that have been keeping you from smiling.

The entire porcelain veneers process takes two to three visits to complete. During the first, your Oklahoma City cosmetic dentist will talk to you about what kinds of results you’d like to see. Then, after an oral exam, we can begin putting your personalized plan together. When designing porcelain veneers we consider your overall appearance, not just your smile. That means we take into account your skin tone, your facial features, and more, all to create exactly the kind of beautiful, natural-looking smile you’ve always dreamed of.

After your veneers have been handcrafted by a talented ceramist you’ll return to our Oklahoma City dental office to have your permanent veneers put in place. With your brand new, completed smile you can get back to your normal schedule feeling more confident about your teeth than you have for a long time.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Smile?

If you’re ready to start transforming your smile with porcelain veneers, Dr. Holman and Dr. Frazier are ready to help. Call Dental Expressions in Oklahoma City today to schedule your consultation visit. We serve patients from OKC, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and beyond.


Professional Teeth Whitening for Patients from Oklahoma City and Surrounding Cities

May 11, 2012

178901519If you’ve ever taken a close look at the oral care aisle at your local grocery story or drug store, you’ve probably noticed that there are a lot of teeth whitening products out there. Whitening kits, whitening toothpastes, whitening mouthwashes—all claim that they can give your smile the boost it’s been missing. But can they really?

Because every patient is different, there’s no black-and-white answer to that question. For some, they may be incredibly effective. For others, though, they may not be powerful enough to do any good.

That’s why, at Dental Expressions, we offer professional teeth whitening as one of our cosmetic dentistry services. With professional teeth whitening, Dr. Colin Holman and Dr. Natalie Frazier can help you remove difficult stains caused by foods, drinks, aging, tobacco use, and, in some cases, even stains caused by a medication like tetracycline.

Your chance at a brighter smile and improved confidence begins with a consultation visit at our Oklahoma City dental office. We’ll inspect your smile and take an impression of your teeth. These will help our lab as they build your custom whitening trays. To whiten your smile, you’ll just need to line your trays with a specially-formulated whitening gel and wear them as directed.

Are you ready to take your smile to the next level with professional teeth whitening? Call us today. We serve patients from OKC, Moore, Norman, Midwest City and surrounding areas.

Dental Expressions Offers a Full Range of Cosmetic Dentistry Services to Help You Boost Your Smile and Your Confidence

May 4, 2012

462184765The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance of your smile. Which means, at Dental Expressions, we have some cosmetic services that are strictly cosmetic and others that are cosmetic and restorative. Our services include:

Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Colin Holman and Dr. Natalie Frazier can help you by recommending one or more of these services. Perhaps you only need help whitening your smile a bit, while another patient may need teeth whitening plus tooth-colored fillings. We call any combination of cosmetic dentistry services a smile makeover.

If you’re interested in receiving a smile makeover, Dental Expressions in Oklahoma City would be happy to help you. Dr. Holman or Dr. Frazier would be happy to explore your smile and your medical history to help you come up with a personalized treatment plan.

Do you want to know what we can do to help you boost the appearance of your smile? Call our Oklahoma City dental office today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Holman or Dr. Frazier. Our office serves patients from OKC, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and surrounding areas.

Dental X-rays in the News: What you need to know

April 11, 2012

469156185You may have recently read news stories about dental x-rays being linked to benign brain tumors.  We want to clarify a few points and assure you that every reasonable precaution is being taken to ensure your safety and minimize potential risks.  For years, the recommendations concerning radiographic frequencies/techniques have been governed by a concept called ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Allowable).  This means that you take x-rays at the lowest possible settings to obtain diagnostic radiographs, as well as taking them only when necessary.  When are they necessary?  According to the American Dental Association/FDA Guidelines there are many differences based on age, previous cavity experience and risk factors.

For new patients to our practice, baseline radiographs are necessary to determine current dental health and risks.  If you have recent DIAGNOSTIC radiographs from your previous dentist, this may not be necessary.  In this instance these x-rays are used to determine if there is decay between your teeth (which cannot usually be seen during a routine exam) and to check bone levels for signs of periodontal disease.  Also radiographs are necessary to diagnose abscesses in patients having toothaches.

For recall patients with visible decay or increased risk of decay there are two different recommendations for children/teens and adults.  In children and teens x-rays are indicated every 6-12 months.  In adults this increases to every 6-18 months.  This range means that it is on a case-by-case basis depending on risk factors.

For recall patients with no visible decay and not at an increased risk for decay there are three groups.  For children the interval is 12-24 months.  For teens the interval is 18-36 months and adults are 24-36 months.

The news story reported that most patients only needed x-rays every 3 years.  As you can see, this frequency only applies to adults with little to no risk factors.  According to Dr. Donald O’Rourke, an associate professor of neurosurgery at the University of Pennsylvania , it is also important to note that there is around a 20-25 year delay in radiation induced meningioma formation.  The 1433 study participants mean age was 57, meaning that they were x-rayed using older technology.  Digital radiographs have drastically cut radiation exposures.  The study also relied on patient’s memories of whether they had received regular x-rays during the decades preceding the study, including during their childhood.  Self-reporting of this frequency also leaves great room for error.

The amount of radiation that we are exposed to from dental X-rays is very small compared to our daily exposure from things like, cosmic radiation and naturally-occurring radioactive elements (for example, those producing radon).

The table below compares our estimated exposure to radiation from dental X-ray with other various sources. As indicated below, a millisievert (mSv) is a unit of measure that allows for some comparison between radiation sources that expose the entire body (such as natural background radiation) and those that only expose a portion of the body (such as X-rays).


Source Estimated Exposure (mSv)
Man MadeDental X-rays

Bitewing radiographs
Full-mouth series



Medical X-raysLower gastrointestinal tract radiography
Upper gastrointestinal tract radiography
Chest radiograph
NaturalCosmic (Outer Space) Radiation

Average radiation from outer space In Denver, CO (per year)



Earth and Atmospheric RadiationAverage radiation in the U.S. from Natural sources (per year) 3.000

Source: Adapted from Frederiksen NL. X-Rays: What is the Risk? Texas Dental Journal. 1995;112(2):68-72.

As always, please let us know of any concerns you may have so that together we can work to make a customized dental health plan that we can both agree on.




Leap Years Come Every Four Years, Dental Checkups Should Come Every Six Months

February 29, 2012

462389477Today is February 29th, meaning that this year is a leap year. Leap years only come every four years. Regular checkups at Dental Expressions, on the other hand, should come much sooner than that. In fact, ideally they should happen every six months.

Why so often?

Because, as important as brushing and flossing are, nothing gets smiles as clean as a professional cleaning. What’s more, during a dental checkup, our doctors have a chance to inspect your smile and gauge how healthy it is. If we need to, we can recommend a general, cosmetic, or restorative service that will help you give your smile a better future.

To find out more about each of our services, including popular services like teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and dental implants, please explore our site.

And if you’re ready to schedule your next appointment, just get in touch with our Oklahoma City dental office. Dr. Colin Holman and Dr. Natalie Frazier would be happy to answer any questions you might have, in addition to thoroughly examining your smile.

Give us a call today. We serve patients from OKC, Moore, Norman, Midwest City, and surrounding areas.

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