It is graduation season. If you have a student graduating from high school or college, give them the gift of confidence to reward them for their hard work. You can ensure they start their future with their best foot forward by enhancing their smile with cosmetic dentistry.
Benefits of an Attractive Smile
A beautiful smile is priceless because it can improve confidence and quality of life. Research has found that the appearance of teeth can affect self-esteem. Not to mention, many people form first impressions based on a person’s smile. Discoloration, chips, and other imperfections can lead to insecurities and limited career prospects.
You can ensure your student’s smile portrays the right image and gives them the confidence they need to move forward with the next step in their life. They will feel their best while being more attractive to potential clients, customers, and employers to ensure career success.
Cosmetic Solutions for Every Smile
There isn’t a cookie-cutter treatment plan to create a stunning smile because every situation differs. They’ll require a consultation with a cosmetic dentist to determine which procedure is right for them, like:
Teeth Whitening
Whether graduating from high school or college, your student can have a bright, beautiful smile as they walk across the stage to receive their diploma or degree. Professional whitening treatments can get teeth up to eight shades whiter, with results that can last for many months or years with the right aftercare.
Porcelain Veneers
Bonding veneers to the teeth visible when smiling corrects many imperfections using a quick and minimally invasive procedure. After just two appointments, your student will no longer worry about chips, stains, or gaps between teeth. Their dazzling new smile can last for a decade or longer, with good oral hygiene habits and regular care from a dentist.
Cosmetic Bonding
Cosmetic bonding provides a lot of bang for your buck. A cosmetic resin is shaded to match the color of the enamel to blend in with the tooth when used to fix minor flaws, like decay, chips, or exposed tooth roots. After just one appointment, they’ll have noticeable results using a convenient and cost-effective method.
Don’t waste money on an item that will sit on a shelf or be outdated in a few months. Instead, invest in your graduate’s future by giving them a gift that will keep on giving.
About Dr. Colin Holman
Dr. Holman earned his dental degree at the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry and has regularly continued his education in various specialties, like cosmetic dentistry. He combines the art and science of dentistry to help each patient achieve their best smile. Dr. Holman is a proud member of the American Dental Association and many other professional organizations. Request an appointment through our website or call (405) 735-6600.